Building a Graduate Curriculum for Self-Study


I’ve designed my own course of advanced study for two reasons. The first is that a standard PhD program isn’t an option: fellowships don’t pay enough to support a family. The second is that my ideal course of study straddles the line between mathematics, philosophy, and the sciences in a way that’s difficult to capture within a traditional graduate program. It’s a generalist’s curriculum rather than a specialist’s.

For the first two years I will be following the Foundations of Applied Mathematics series used by the Applied & Computational Mathematics program at BYU, with the addition of coursework in algebraic structures and applied category theory to expand the program’s formal modeling vocabulary.

The next years will be a lot more free-form, but generally focused on formal theories in science, philosophy, and systems design that I find interesting.


Year One: Foundations of Applied Mathematics

Year Two: Modeling with Mathematics

Year Three+: Formal Theories in Science, Philosophy, and Systems Design

Written on: November 1, 2024